目前分類:祥富抽水肥-英文文章 (10)

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Why doesn't the current "septic tank" work?

In the previous agricultural society, people's excrement (commonly known as "water and fertilizer") was an important source of fertilizer, and in order to obtain "comparatively fertile" water and fertilizer, it was necessary to regularly pick out the water and fertilizer, because if the water and fertilizer stayed in the septic tank for too long , it will be slowly decomposed by the microorganisms in the pool! Because water and fertilizer are composed of organic matter, it has been a favorite food of microorganisms since ancient times.

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Water and fertilizer trucks discharge oil to pollute farmland, and enzymes "turn pollution into fertilizer"

Recently, when I searched the Internet for sewage treatment information, I found that there were quite a few news about water and fertilizer trucks stealing and polluting farmland this year. Among them, this news made me the most incredible--“Water and fertilizer trucks were arbitrarily discharging water and fertilizer on the roadside and were caught live on the spot by the Environmental Protection Bureau”, Because this photo is so clear, even people and cars are in the mirror, because the driver of the water and fertilizer truck did not steal the discharge after dark, but stabbed the pollutants directly in broad daylight. Discharge into farmland as if it were "legal"?

Water and fertilizer trucks di

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Why just finished pumping water and fertilizer, and the toilet flushing still not smooth?

What if you frequently encounter that the toilet is not flushing properly not long after you have pumped water and fertilizer? There are two main reasons for this. The first possibility is that the end of the toilet manure pipe is stuck with urine scale or feces. The second possibility is that the ditchhole in the septic tank is too small and the water and fertilizer cannot be pumped cleanly, especially the water and fertilizer accumulated near the inlet. It is even more difficult to remove.

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Pumping septic tank : question and answer

What is a septic tank?

In simple terms, a septic tank can be thought of as a small sewage treatment system consisting of a pond and a septic system. When sewage enters the pool, bacteria will decompose the sewage anaerobic, which will reduce the volume of solid waste, and then discharge it after sedimentation, and the degree of water pollution will be reduced.

【Cross-sectional view of septic tank construction system】

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Ten questions you must know about pumped fertilizers (septic tanks)

Wondering if you have some questions about pumping fertilizers or pumping septic tanks? Like how often do you need to pump a septic tank? Where will it be transported after it is pumped? What will happen if the septic tank is not pumped regularly? If you have the above questions then this article will be able to have a further understanding of the septic tank. We put together for you ten questions about pumping fertilizers.

Question 1: How long does it take for water and fertilizer (septic tank) to be pumped?

In general, it is recommended to pump water and fertilizer once a year. For companies, public offices, factories, hospitals, restaurants, community apartment buildings, schools, military camps, general families, etc., because the amount is relatively large, it is recommended to pump once every six months. In addition, according to the statistics of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan, if the sludge is cleaned every six months, the treatment efficiency can reach 51%. If it is cleaned once a year, the treatment efficiency is 28%. It can be seen that regular pumping of water and fertilizer (septic tank) can make the septic tank more efficient!

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This is an "environmentally friendly" septic tank, so there is no need to pump water and fertilizer?

"The builder said that this is an environmentally friendly septic tan, so there is no need to pump water and fertilizer! I have lived in the house for more than 3 years and have not pumped water and fertilizer. The toilet is in normal use, and now I want to clean and maintain it."

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When should you pump water and fertilizer? 3 Signs of a Full Septic Tank

At the end of the year, many households will start to make appointments for pumping water and fertilizer, invite people to pump water and fertilizer, regularly clean the septic tank, and keep the home environment clean and tidy. This concept is really very important.

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Why is the toilet flush not smooth not long after pumping water and fertilizer?

The owners of the houses generally rarely care about and maintain their own septic tanks. Therefore, when the septic tanks are angry and awkward, people often suffer a lot. Smelly wait! For the septic tank that usually pays silently and works hard, we should be more tolerant of these awkwardness, and we must quickly help it take care of and clear it.

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Share the experience of pumping water and fertilizer (stool)

My house is a small house. The person who built my house before said that it can be used for 20 years without pumping water and fertilizer.

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Pumping Fertilizers: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Does the price of pumping water fertilizer(septic tank pumping) have to be calculated according to the number of cars?

Pumping water and fertilizer (septic tank pumping) does not necessarily have to be calculated by the number of cars. The reason for calculating the car is that there is no need to estimate the amount of the general apartment (the price can be calculated by the car). In fact, the price by the car is for consumers. It is the most advantageous, and it is calculated as much as you draw, and there will be no error value generated by the valuation.

How often should the septic tank (water and fertilizer) be extracted and cleaned? Are there any signs when it is full?

In principle, the septic tank is pumped once a year. If the toilet on the first floor will make a popping sound when the septic tank is full, then you should quickly pump the septic tank, otherwise, when the septic tank is too full and there is nowhere to store it, Running along the dung pipe to the first floor will cause the dung pipe to be blocked, and then it will not be worth the loss. (Quoting from the Environmental Protection Agency: According to septic tank research, if the sludge is cleaned every six months, the treatment efficiency can reach 51%; if it is cleaned once a year, the treatment efficiency is 28%; if it is not cleaned, the treatment efficiency is only 3%, Therefore, it is recommended that the public should clean it 1-2 times a year.)

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